Hailey was born at 2:07am on 9/3/2010
6lbs, 10 ozs ~ 19inches long
BabyOopsBaby Ticker

Monday, January 31, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Having a Little Fun...

A little fun at Mary's. She bought a little diaper bag/purse...when Hailey wanted to try it out for size. hehehe...

Well needless to say...I think she likes it lol!

Here is just a little video of fun and play!

Hailey loves playing with her tiger!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bye Bye Kori

So last night we went and saw Hailey's Aunty Kor-kor and the family before Kori left for England. We had a nice Mexican dinner and chocolate cookies for dessert. We are going to miss you Kori. Have a fun trip! xoxo
Kori aka Aunty Kor-kor

G-pop :o)


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hailey is soo talkative!

She loves making noise. The house will be quiet then all of a sudden you hear a little cat like baby meow from Hailey's bedroom. It's the cutest noise I've ever heard!!! ♥

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tyler's Teddy Bear for Hailey

Before Tyler left Tyler made Hailey a teddy bear at build-a-bear workshop at Tucson mall...He recorded his voice in it too! Daddy Bears says " Hailey, this is daddy. I love and miss you and I'll be home soon!" I love it.

Hailey is just so cute when she is sleeping :o)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hailey Trying To Crawl?

Right now Hailey is four and a half months old. I swear she is trying to crawl! :o) I rushed for the video camera because this is what I saw last night. What do you think?

p.s. Meow... lol

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day With the Little One :o)

Well today Hailey and I went and tried out the new GPS system, which by the way is my new best friend since Tyler isn't here. I'm just not good with going to unfamiliar places. We went to my sister's house and spent time with the boys for a little bit. Then we went to Walmart and got a little umbrella stroller for taking places with us because it is so light weight and small. The one I found was Winnie the Poo. So perfect. Then we got home and went out tfor a test drive with the stroller and checked the mail. It seemed like she had fun :o) Now we are at Home and she is playing with her little toys in her walker. She is chewing away. I can feel two little buds in the front of her mouth on the top where her little teeth are trying to come in. She has been a little fussy but a champ and soo talkative.  xoxo


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

157 Day's Until Tyler Get's home!

Tyler left yesterday to go to basic combat training and advanced individual training for the army national guard. I miss him lots and I know that Hailey and the dog miss him too! Here is a picture of Hailey sleeping while I clean. She is so cute!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

4 month Doctors appointment

Hailey weight 12 pounds 5 ounces and is now 24 inch long. Two rulers lol! Hailey has had a little bit of cradle cap but doctor said it is ok and we can use dandruff shampoo to help. Hailey was such a champ. She cried for like 10 seconds after she got her shots and then she was all good and wanting to go back to sleep. sweet dreams my little angel.
